Monday, May 20, 2019

Microbiology Bacteria Paper

I would not say science is storybook fun, but who knew it become a mystery. Trying to find give away what was in our way out s take down vial would become a mesh we were willing to take on. As I began the test of deciding if our piffling bacteria friend was gm positive or negative, Jordan my science teammate, was putting to maintainher a smear plate. In as humble as ten minutes we had discovered by the pink oval shapes we were observing, our microbe friend was a gram negative rod. We had narrowed our search down to five We decided next we would do atomic number 8 along with a motility test. Along with those, we did a fermentation investigation.These tests would narrow our pursuit down even further. Unfortunately these tests take time. The following day, we curiously went to our stash of experiments. As we observed we soon realized our little bacteria was a non-motile, facultative anaerobe. With the observation of acid and gas formation, this microorganism was able to cataboliz e glucose, milk sugar and fructose. Our smear plate, with white convex muciod looking colonies confirmed our suspicion. We were now looking at vial number seven with anew respect, he now had a name, and that name was Klebsiella pneumonia.Read likewise Lab 2 biologyNow that our mystery microbe had a proper name, where would we find it? This bacteria, I found out is ubiquitous in nature, meaning it seems to be present, everywhere at the same time. Just about anywhere you would step, touch or see in nature you could bet this little roast is there. Its family is abundant in soil, water and vegetables. But they have cousins, uncles, second cousins etc. just about everywhere else. Wow, was solely I could muster. But our friend not exactly had a large family in nature, this microbe also found residence inside the tender-hearted body.The respiratory, intestinal, and urogenital tracts argon a favored neighborhood for this microscopic organism. This tiny microbe seems to find just ab out any region environment anyy friendly. Not only is it very versatile in were it lives, I would soon learn it was also just as versatile in what is able to do. This small bacterium could devastate the human body if allowed to. Our secret microbe was considered to be an opportunistic human pathogen, meaning that under certain conditions it may cause disease. All this little guy needed was the perfect scenario and he could thrive in only a way harmful bacterium could.Read Chapter 8 Microbial GeneticsPersons with underlying diseases such as alcoholism or lung infections were slightly of their favorite captives. Along with people who are hospitalized and receive invasive procedures, being their other prime hostages. These guys are on the top ten most known list of nosocomial infection pathogens. Trying to get rid of this pathogen is no easy feat either Once this type is let in he really does not want to leave. Of course, the first attack to rid the body of this pathogen is to use a incidentally and aggressive treatment of antibiotics.Even that though, can prove to not be beneficial. Since these little critters are turn out to be resistant, meaning, they develop ways to inactivate or neutralize the antibiotic. Many cases have to be tempered with cephalosporins and aminoglycosides to give the bacteria a two-pronged attack. This bacterium certainly has a powerful multitude when dispersed. But how does this little fella do this? Well, the pathology for it to become Pneumonia develops when the bacilli invade and multiply within the alveolar spaces.General Biology Ii Study Guide (Online Class)The pulmonary parenchyma becomes consolidated, and the mucoid exudates that fill the alveoli is controlled by macrophages, fibrin, and edema fluid. Neutrophils, our bodies own engagement soldiers are inhibited by a neutral polysaccharide in the capsule of this bacterium. Numerous encapsulated disconfirming bacilli appear free in the exudates and in alveolar macrophages. Th en exudates accumulate and the alveolar wall becomes compacted and sinewy tissue starts to degrade. This area, where the microbe does its best work, is the area of gas exchange with the blood, a vital part of the human anatomy/physiology.So when this microbe is able to take over, a hefty defense force of antibacterial drug agents have to come to the battle. Antibiotics themselves though have a become an overused tool. This has become a growing business and many actions have now come into play to stop the abuse of these products. Some would argue a little too late. This lapse of poor judgment has led to the numerous strains of antibiotic resistant infections. Klebsiella pneumonia is star of the leading culprits. The thing is though, bacteria does not know its playing a dangerous game with us, all bacteria is trying to do is win.References Klebsiella pneumonia . Retrieved from http// (Klebsiella pneumoniae , 2011) Klebasiella pneumonia. Retrieved from http// (Dr. Sampuna Roy, 2011)

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