Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Elevator Speech Draft

Elevator Speech Audience: Diana Gale Purpose: To outline strategies for developing a publicly supported wasteland augment policy â€Å"Seattle Waste utility faces a challenging new mission: not only is the agency t asked with its previous responsibility of delivering waste management services, it is now task ked with developing waste management policy. With the approaching deadline to Rene w the contract with the King County landfill, the utility is faced with an opportunity to recon mend a new longer waste management policy.You have already accomplished a great deal by building SSW into an organize Zion that can be effective in developing policy, but local organizations, politicians and meme beers of the public have strong, competing perspectives about waste management in Seat tale. In addition, confidence in Saw's ability to recommend a policy is low. Under these conditions, it is best if SSW does not make a recommendation a bout a longer waste management policy alone. Instead, yo u should engage key organization s and individuals whose support could strengthen Saw's legitimacy.TO determine a longer asset disposal policy, we recommend that you pursue one of two participator decommissioning processes: the first includes the the public, along with local p Laotians and administrators. If time constraints allow, we feel that this is your best bet to in crease Saw's legitimacy and gain support and cooperation for the policy. The second excels vilely includes local politicians and administrators. This second process would increase the u utility legitimacy on a more limited level, but may be preferable if time constraints prevent you from pursuing the more inclusive process. †

Privacy Laws and Policies Debate Essay

Upon viewing this weeks reading as well as going through other student arguments about why they are against communication privacy laws and policies, I feel even more strongly about them being crucial for success. Those who fear being watched are the ones who know they are doing wrong. Companies have the right to see what is going on, they pay the salaries of each employee. In times like today a company needs to know what is going on within itself. This means that having access to computers, email, mobile devices along with monitoring systems in the work place. Some of my fellow classmates to not agree with some of the practices but per our reading in Workplace Privacy it stays that â€Å"Under the â€Å"ordinary course of business† exemption, for example, employers may monitor email communications if the employer can show a legitimate business purpose for doing so† (Friedman, Reed, 2007). If employees know that they are being closely watched it decreases the chances of them not working or cheating the company. Some may argue that from our reading it says â€Å"While employers have many legitimate reasons to monitor employees’ electronic communications, they also need to consider negative implications of increased employee monitoring in terms of the effect of such practices on employee perceptions and attitudes† (Friedman, Reed, 2007). For me this does not work because if you are scared of being seen on camera or having someone go through work items then you are clearly doing something you should not be. Any person who owns a company would agree that the best way to stay in business is know what is going on within your company. Reference Friedman, B., & Reed, L. (2007, June). Workplace privacy: Employee relations and legal implications of monitoring employee e-mail use. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 19(2), 75.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effect Of Social Media To The Students

Just as the Internet has changed the way Canadians buy music, organize vacations, and research school projects, it has also affected how they interact socially. Through the use of social media, people can exchange photos and videos, share news stories, post their thoughts on blogs, and participate in online discussions. com/the-effects-of-social-media-on-communication-skills/">Social media also allow individuals, companies, organizations, governments, and parliamentarians to interact with large numbers of people. In conjunction with the increase in online activity, there are concerns about the ways in which the personal information that is shared by social media users may be collected and analyzed.This paper gives a brief overview of the evolution and development of social media, looks at how their attributes affect the way people interact online, and considers their potential social and economic impact. 2 What are Social Media? The term â€Å"social media† refers to the wide range of Internet-based and mobile services that allow users to participate in online exchanges, contribute user-created content, or join online communities.The kinds of Internet services commonly associated with social media (sometimes referred to as â€Å"Web 2.0†) include the following:1 Blogs. Short for â€Å"web log,† a blog is an online journal in which pages are usually displayed in reverse chronological order. 2 Blogs can be hosted for free on websites such as WordPress, Tumblr and Blogger. 3 Wikis. A wiki is â€Å"a collective website where any participant is allowed to modify any page or create a new page using her Web browser. †4 One well-known example is Wikipedia,5 a free online encyclopedia that makes use of wiki technology Social bookmarking.Social bookmarking sites allow users to organize and share links to websites. Examples include reddit, StumbleUpon and Digg. 6 Social network sites. These have been defined as â€Å"web-based services that al low individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. †7Among the most popular in Canada are Facebook and LinkedIn.8 Status-update services.Also known as microblogging services, status-update services such as Twitter9 allow people to share short updates about people or events and to see updates created by others. 10 Virtual world content. These sites offer game-like virtual environments in which users interact. One example is the imaginary world constructed in Second Life,11 in which users create avatars (a virtual representation of the user) that interact with others. 12 Media-sharing sites. These sites allow users to post videos or photographs.Popular examples include YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. 13 These categories overlap to some degree. Twitter, for example, is a soc ial network site as well as a status-update service. Likewise, users of the social network site Facebook can share photographs, and users of the media-sharing site Pinterest can follow other people. 3 The Evolution of Social Media In the late 1990s, as broadband14 Internet became more popular, websites that allowed users to create and upload content began to appear. 15 The first social network site (SixDegrees. com) appeared in 1997.From 2002 onward, a large number of social network sites were launched. Some – such as Friendster – enjoyed a surge of popularity, only to fade. Others developed niche communities: MySpace, for example, appealed to teenaged music aficionados. 16 By the late 2000s, social media had gained widespread acceptance and some services gained huge numbers of users. For example, in November 2012, Facebook announced it had 1 billion users worldwide, of whom 18 million were in Canada. 17 In July 2012, Twitter had an estimated 517 million users, of whom 10 million were in Canada.18 A number of factors have contributed to this rapid growth in social media participation. These include technological factors such as increased broadband availability, the improvement of software tools, and the development of more powerful computers and mobile devices; social factors such as the rapid uptake of social media by younger age groups; and economic factors such as the increasing affordability of computers and software, and growing commercial interest in social media sites. 19 4 Attributes of Social MediaWith attributes that can affect the way people interact online, social media open up new ways for collaboration and discussion. One of these is persistence, meaning that a great deal of content posted on social media sites may remain there permanently by default. Other characteristics are replicability (content can be copied and shared) and searchability (content can be found easily using online search tools). The characteristic of accessibilit y is also important: social media can be used anywhere, at any time, where an Internet connection is available.These attributes shape the dynamics of social interaction online. For example, the â€Å"invisibility† of the reader raises questions about the context, appropriateness and even comprehensibility of a communication. 20 Moreover, just as it is difficult to know who might be reading content posted on a social media site, the identity and motives of those who post content are not always clear. For example, there have been instances of companies using social media to market products through fake blogs or sponsored postings on social media sites. 21 5 The Impact of Social MediaHow is Canadian society affected by social media? Because the widespread adoption of these modes of communication began only in the early 2000s, their social and economic implications are not yet fully understood. Some believe the Internet is making people more isolated, while others hope it will in crease democratic participation. Research by Statistics Canada suggests â€Å"that we should expect neither a dysfunctional society of loners nor a blissful society of happy networkers. Rather, we are facing a society that is differently cohesive from the one we have known.†22 There do not appear to be any significant differences in the number of social ties or in the amount of social interaction between Internet users and non-users. 23 Instead, the Internet is providing ways of fostering participation with community members and enhancing relationships, including through social media. 24 Social media have also had an economic impact with respect to the ways in which content is created and consumed, and hence on the information and communications technologies sector. 25 Indeed, in Canada, annual growth in this sector averaged 3.8% from 2002 to 2011, double the rate of growth in the overall economy (1. 9%). 26 In addition, many businesses are incorporating social media into the ir marketing strategies.For governments and parliamentarians, social media offer new ways to engage with citizens. To give an example, the Public Health Agency of Canada uses a variety of social media tools to share information about public health issues. 27 As well, an increasing number of parliamentarians are using social media sites. 6 Conclusion For a growing number of Canadians, social media provide a way of keeping in touch with friends, relatives and communities.Social media also allow companies, organizations, governments and parliamentarians to reach large numbers of people. At the same time, social media are changing the ways in which people interact with others, although the full impact of these changes is not yet clear. The implications of sharing personal information are also not fully understood. Other papers in this Library of Parliament series take a closer look at social media with respect to demographics, privacy issues and political applications.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A city that died (explaining why it grew and flourished and why Essay

A city that died (explaining why it grew and flourished and why ltimately it failed to survive) - Essay Example All these factors led to the fast growth of Buffalo city to its peak in the 1950s. Changes in transportation dynamics were the first shock that jolted the development of Buffalo. Road and rail transport of goods became a more viable means of transporting goods over water transportation on which Buffalo initially flourished. Compounding this was the opening of St. Lawrence Seaway that enabled bypassing Buffalo altogether in the transportation of goods. Improvements to electricity transmission removed the advantage that Buffalo held in the energy requirements of industry. Inclement weather was always a draw back for Buffalo and industries moved away to warmer climes, when Buffalo no longer offered advantages. The final nails in its coffin were a combination of other factors. Actions of the State and local administration only made Buffalo unattractive. The loss of industrial activity was hastened â€Å"high taxes, burdensome regulations, and pro-union laws† (Glaezar, 2007). The high property taxes coupled with the failure of the city administration to provide the safety and good schools were reasons for exodus of city residents. Racial violence, crime and lack of leadership at a time of crisis plunged Buffalo into its decline to virtual death (Glaezar, 2007). The decline of city and its gradual death arises from two reasons. The first reason is the loss of industrial activity and the jobs that it provides. The second reason is when there is failure of the city administration to make the city socially attractive (Bradbury, Downs & Small). When businesses no longer find it profitable to continue activity in a city, which in the case of Buffalo was compounded by high taxes, strict regulations and pro-union laws, they move away to other more suitable locations, leading to loss of jobs. High property taxes and the lack of appropriate social amenities cause the more affluent

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Write a research paper regarding the FDA health regulation about

Write a regarding the FDA health regulation about Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food - Research Paper Example In 1994, an outbreak of disease was seen across states because of contamination during transportation of ice-cream. Before this in 1974, corn fodder meant for animals was contaminated with lead monoxide during transportation as well . Such instances shows that improper transportation has detrimental health impacts on the consumers (Prishable logistics,2011). In 1999, the congress enacted the SFTA. SFTA directed the department of Transportation to prescribe regulations against and protection of these food and food additives from harmful transportation of food and food additives. Followed by this the FDA also released the FSMA act according to which food facilities should have a plan to prevent food contamination, protect food from bioterrorism, recognize potential hazards and take steps to address the same and lastly monitor the entire procedure of food production and transportation and to correct anomalies if present as well. In 2013, the FDA also put its focus on transportation of food meant for animals including pet food and food meant for livestock or food-producing animals since following the 1974 occurrence when contaminated fodder led to disease outbreak among animals. The procedure followed by the facilities that manufacture such handle, handle and transport them is the same as those facilities producing food for human consumption. The most important thing that the FDA primarily concentrated is on not only the safe and hygienic transportation of food but also on its purity. Purity of food means that it is free from any kind of contamination and adulteration since both of these are harmful in nature. Often during food transportation inadequate facilities are provided and such ill-handled food is often found to be adulterated and through the regulation the FDA aims at mitigating food safety risks. Safe transportation of human and animal food is of major concern for the FDA. The FDA reports

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nursing Shortage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Shortage - Essay Example tions and there is need to change in order to improve quality of healthcare services and increase customer satisfaction by increasing staff ratios in healthcare facilities, introduction of worker retention incentives, development of placement programs and training of more nurses to meet the demand (Satterly, 2004). The stakeholders involved in this kind of change include the government, nursing professional bodies, community representatives, healthcare training institution’s heads, and the nurses. The government allocates more funds for building more training institutions, training of nursing personnel and development of placement programs. The change will also demand that the heads of training institutions expand their capacities by admitting more students. The community leaders are expected to report the level of shortage and engage in developing policy frameworks to address the issue. Nursing professional bodies also have to be up to date in terms of the demand and supply of nurses and will have to engage in identifying areas of high shortage and advice the government on how to deploy (Ross, 2005). Nurses are the subjects in this case and they understand the problem more clearly by implementing change to address the problem of nursing shortage nurses are expected to provide leadershi p and serve as role models encouraging more people to join the profession. Lippit’s Theory used to implement change is the most appropriate for solving the problem of shortage of the nurses. The theory is about finding an external agent to effect change. Here I will propose that one person experienced in the nursing field with transformational leadership mind should serve as the coordinator of the entire process of change. Shortage of nurses can be solved by following the steps of Lippit’s Theory (Feldman, 2013 ). The first stage is diagnosis of the problem. Here the leading nurse who is the transformational leader realizes that the problem of nurse shortage is real and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Middle eastern humanities essay paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Middle eastern humanities essay - Term Paper Example These stories also reveal the different cultures of people. There are various ways to manifest love and show it to people around them. The story of Laila and Majnun is a story of love without bounds. It knows no limit. Their love for each other swerves dangerously between two opposing ideas of sanity vs insanity. The love they felt each other is so strong that they tend to forget who they are. Their thoughts are only filled by the object of their affection. It corrupts them of their identity. No other reasons are good enough for them to face the other aspects of life such as family, religion, society, and culture. Love made Majnun appear crazy before men and society. He idolized Laila so much to the extent of kissing all the objects related to her, such as the walls, seat and even her dog. His love blinded him of his identity as human being. He obliges to the commands of his emotions to pursue his Laila regardless of his physical health. For him, nothing else must be regarded but his affection to his Laila. He sets aside education, forgetting norms of society, and neglecting the love of his family towards him. In the same manner, Laila is bound in chains at the same height of love sickness as her lover Majnun. She sets her delight to him only. Her studies, social life, and family were all sacrificed due to her love sickness for Majnun. Her family kept her at distance due to the insanity behavioral tendencies of Majnun all because of love. The love of Majnun and Laila is a tragic one. They are both incapable of handling the emotional stress that love brought to them. They forget the other aspects of life that can make a person whole. They were carried by the strong current of their affection for each other. And when they are not granted to be together, life is equated to death. Their story ended up tragically. Majnun, remained in hope in the promise of Laila to come back to where they last parted. He forgets his identity

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analysis of Direct Cost Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Direct Cost - Assignment Example This provision is both advantageous and disadvantageous in that the VectorCal Company will readily acquire iron and steel hence evading searching and high transportation costs. On the other hand, it will be harmful to the company if the steel and iron producing companies in the US decide to charge high prices of their products due to the absence of open markets to trigger competition, which will eventually lead to lower competitive prices in the industry. The other raw materials needed include magnets, cameras, sensors, and compasses that will provide information on nearby vessels or vehicles or other obstacles or hazards. Labor costs incurred will include payments to the engineers and experts involved in the construction of the drone navigation systems. Technological costs will include acquisition costs of inertial sensors, on-board electronics (the motherboard and the navigation board), embedded software (enables Wi-Fi communications, image processing, video data sampling etc.), velocity estimators etc. The technological component ensures efficiency and reliability of the drone navigation systems. Licensing fees of VectorCal Company will form part of the indirect costs. Other indirect costs likely to be incurred by the company include management costs, insurance payments, taxes to the US government, maintenance expenses etc. (Lupashin et al., 2010). DroneIn, company will operate in the same industry as that of VectorCal Company and hence will experience similar costs to those of VectorCal. The construction of the drone navigation systems is standard and this implies that the requirements are similar regardless of the company that constructs the drone systems. However, the only notable difference that will occur will be in terms of how each company will control its costs of production or manufacturing. For both companies, raw materials like iron and steel will be necessary because these are the core metals that are used in the construction

Six Thousand Women Missing in Top Management Jobs Assignment

Six Thousand Women Missing in Top Management Jobs - Assignment Example A sizeable proportion of women is not being seen at the top echelons of management in public, private or legal bodies. The phenomenon is being observed across nations despite the development index or political ideology and is also not specific to certain sectors but is spread across sectors with some variations. Equal Opportunity Commission recently in a study (as cited by Curtis 2007) informed that the glass ceiling is holding back women in Britain from top 6000 positions to attain the representative proportion. A survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (2006) showed that in Cyprus, women hold only 12 % of the top executive positions. African women hold only 0.9% of key management positions and the world over the average percentage of women ranges between 10% and less on both sides of the Atlantic. (Mnganga, 2003). Most of these studies also observed that women are entering the workforce with equal qualifications but progress to top echelons is hampered. International Labour Organisation ( ILO) noted in its proceedings (ILO, 1998) that "women's access to top management posts was still severely restricted though they frequently matched or exceeded their male counterparts in terms of formal qualifications and technical know-how". There are three issues attached to this phenomenon requiring incisive inquiry. Where do these women disappear & what happens to them Does it matter and to whom What should be done, if it matters Where do these women disappear & what happens to them Women are valued if they take care of family responsibilities and vice versa. Working mothers try to balance work and family. Visible and often invisible barriers emerge from the sexual division of labor. The work culture also has a long inheritance of male dominance, which celebrates masculine qualities nested in late hours, old boy's network and informal networks. (ILO, 1998). The task of balancing both the worlds take its toll and many women start treading on a stagnated path and do not actualize their potential. Some quit in between to remain at home and in the process strengthening the stereotyped role of women and probably not even fuelling the ambitions of next-generation daughters to conquer the sky. Though some of these women break away to form their own enterprises and studies suggest that these enterprises do remarkably well. Only very few women succeed in breaking the glass ceiling. (Treanor, 2007; Bawden, 2007).  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Are Human Activities Contributing to Climate Change Research Paper

Are Human Activities Contributing to Climate Change - Research Paper Example Since then, man has been moving forward in terms of technological advancement but overlooking the damages it is causing to the Earth’s atmosphere. The greenhouse gases, which occur naturally, absorb the thermal infrared and warm the Earth’s temperature by 63 degrees Fahrenheit. This whole process is known as the Greenhouse Effect. The main greenhouse gases that are present in the Earth’s atmosphere are carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, nitrous oxide and the ozone. (Maslin, 2007) Carbon dioxide and other green house gases such as methane are added to the earth’s atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels. Previously, the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were in balance but today, human activities are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at an increasingly high level. The earth’s vegetation has not been able to take in and absorb the excess of carbon dioxide and thus, the atmospheric level of CO2 has increased. Fossil fuels are burnt to create energy for humans in the form of heat, electricity and gas. Apart from making our lives easier, it has also emitted enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cause climate changes. Through the Earth’s natural cycle, large amounts of carbon dioxide are released in and out of the atmosphere annually and so the CO2 levels remained in balance throughout. However; scientists have confirmed that human activities add around 7 billion tonnes of CO2 into the earth’s atmosphere which ends up upsetting the balance. According to research, the trees and the oceans only absorb half of the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. The remainder stays in our environment for as long as 100 years. Carbon dioxide is created from fossil fuels through the form of heat and gas. It is also released in natural processes like decay of organic matter. Apart from that, trees release CO2 into the atmosphere but due to deforestation, the absorption of this gas has

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Negligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negligence - Essay Example This paper explores the differences among negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice. In addition, the paper discusses the importance of documentation and its connection with a negligence case in which a patient’s wrong leg was amputated. Negligence, Gross Negligence, and Malpractice In general, negligence refers to the failure by a nurse to give care to a patient in a reasonable and prudent manner in the prevailing circumstances. Thus, negligence refers to any harm caused by a nurse’s carelessness, rather than intentional harm. On the other hand, malpractice is a professional negligence, which occurs when an authorized and licensed nurse fails to give patient care according to the laid down standards (Phillips et al., 2004). That is, care below the standards set by the regulatory body. It is worth noting that the poor standard of such care subsequently causes harm to a patient. The table below summarises the differences and similarities between malpractice and negli gence Malpractice Negligence Definition A professional nurse gives substandard Though prudent and reasonable, a nurse gives unreasonable care Intentional Yes Can be intentional or not Lawsuits in Civil Courts Civil Courts Proof of lawsuit Duty, Breach, Causation and Damages Duty, Breach, Causation and Damages An example of a malpractice is a nurse who intentionally harms a patient by not performing his or her duties according to the laid down procedures and standards. On the other hand, a nurse harming a patient due to carelessness amounts to negligent act. Therefore, any unintentional action or omission that causes patient injuries is negligence while failure to adhere to nursing standards of practice may result in a malpractice lawsuit (Phillips et al., 2004). According to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), malpractice refers to an inappropriate, unacceptable, and unethical conducts caused by an unreasonable lack of skill by a professional. On the other hand, gross negligence simply refers extreme cases of carelessness by a nurse. The implication by gross negligence is that a nurse has gone far below the standard of care with which a prudent and reasonable nurse may act towards a patient’s care (Phillips et al., 2004). In gross negligence, there is no trace of or slight evidence of care, even by the standards of a careless person. Thus, gross negligence has a degree difference with negligence. Several reasons have been cited as the main causes of negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice including delegation of duties, early discharge, shortage of nurses, hospital downsizing, numerous and advances in technology, better-informed patients, and expanded legal liability targeting medical professionals. With regards to task delegation, many hospitals have certain cost-cutting and cost-containment strategies, which propel them to delegate nursing duties to unlicensed assistants (Phillips et al., 2004). These assis tants may not be aware of a facility's or a regulator’s standards of care or nursing practice act. Second, many facilities discharge patients quite early, prior to full recovery while they still need acute and intensive nursing care. Other cost-containment strategies used in facilities are reduction in the number of nurses, which increases workloads for nurses, thus the likelihood for errors to occur. The many technological

Monday, July 22, 2019

The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes Essay Example for Free

The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes Essay For example, a person who feels the need for sex but who has been told by their parents that sex is wrong may suppress this tendency. In order to receive positive regard from their parents they abide by this statement. In this way the person has received conditional positive regard from the parents. However, the need for sex remains, as this is an organismic value, which Rogers describes as our inborn set of values, possessed by all (Medcof Roth, 1979). When these needs are suppressed, Rogers sees neurotic and psychotic problems developing (Hays Orrell, 1987). Abraham Maslow believed that the way towards self-actualisation was to fulfil certain needs. These needs he arranged into a pyramid, which he referred to as the hierarchy of needs. Starting with simple needs, for example, hunger and thirst and then progressing upwards to security, belonging, esteem, understanding and aesthetic needs before reaching self actualisation (Rungapadiachy, 1999). Maslows theory appeared logical and optimistic and became very popular without much criticism. It became popular within business seminars as a training aid. However Maslows hierarchy of needs has not been supported by research. Hungry people may still seek esteem from others and a person who has satisfied their hunger may not necessarily seek higher needs (Wade Tarvis, 1993). Wade Tarvis (1993) also suggest that each person develops their own individual hierarchy from childhood to old age and although for some, the need for love and security will dominate, for others the need for power or achievement will rule. Both Maslow and Rogers believed that given the right conditions, Maslows satisfaction of basic needs and Rogers unconditional positive regard, people will naturally choose growth enhancing alternatives (Roth, 1979). The behaviourist approach arose as a backlash of other approaches at the time and rather than looking at the internal factors, behaviourism shifted its emphasis to the external factors. Psychologist John. B. Watson was becoming disenchanted with the attempts to study emotions, motives and thoughts as these were often vague and subjective and difficult to systematically study. Watson argued that psychology must be based on what is observable and measurable by more than one person (Gross, 1996). Watson believed that behaviour could be seen as a set of reactions in response to stimuli. In this way, if one knew the stimulus then they could obtain the desired behaviour. The two types of learning which behaviourists concern themselves with are classical conditioning and operant conditioning (Rungapadiachy, 1999). Classical conditioning refers to a behaviour that is reflexive or involuntary, for example, coughing, sneezing, shivering, sexual arousal (Rungapadiachy, 1999). Watson and Rayner (1920) conducted experiments into classical conditioning by establishing a rat phobia into an eleven-month-old child. The child was introduced to a white rat to play with and the child was pleased. However, a steel bar was introduced and whenever the rat was given to the child and the child reached out for the rat the steel bar would be struck to create a noise and frightening the child. Eventually on introduction of the rat without the steel bar the child would become frightened of the rat. Watson and Rayner had succeeded in creating a conditioned response (Wade Tarvis, 1993).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Perspectives on the Concepts of Sex and Gender

Social Perspectives on the Concepts of Sex and Gender Critically evaluate the contribution of the social perspective to our understanding of language and meaning and the psychology of sex and gender. It can be said different psychological perspectives lead to different theories providing diverse insights into the same issue i.e. language and meaning. They focus their enquiry in different ways and consequently have dissimilar objects of knowledge. Each perspective asks different questions, use different methods and data and produce therefore different theories. These perspectives can be complementary, conflicting or coexisting, whereby each perspective and theory provides a variety of ways of applying their findings to everyday psychological problems. By focusing on the social psychological perspective, this essay will initially evaluate how this perspective contributes to a greater understanding in the formation, acquisition and use of language and how this understanding co-exists with, and may be complimented by or is in contrast to, other perspectives and how this fits in with the understanding of sex and gender. Social psychological perspectives emphasise the importance of inv estigating cognition by studying how meaning is created through participation and cultural practices and through language. The evolvement, acquisition and application of language used by humans, to express meaning and pursue goals, have been a topic of study amongst the various perspectives in psychology most notably evolutionary, cognitive and social perspectives. In researching language and the development of subsequent theories, language itself is used as a medium to investigate language. This methodological reflexivity is the source of conflict between social and cognitive perspectives on language when trying to determine to what extent, if any, the necessity of responding in language predetermines what is said. Social psychologists, more specifically discourse psychologists (i.e. Parker, 1992, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 105), claims that in using language individuals do so in a social and historic context, with an audience and for a purpose. Individuals therefore will m ake assumptions about the knowledge, understanding and requirements of their interlocutors in an experimental setting which is a primary method used by cognitive psychologists to study the separate cognitive and underlying thought processes language represents in communication with others or dialog with the self. The social constructionist perspective, on the other hand, uses evidence from actual language used in day-to-day communication and therefore appears to have more ecological validity. With the use of discourse analysis, they manage to describe how individuals organise their talk and use particular strategies such as the creation of subject positions or constructions of the world, to achieve particular ends. Wieder (1974 as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, pp. 104-105) illustrated the use of language to determine behaviour amongst newly released prisoners living in a hostel by employing a method called ethnomethodology (the study of how people do things) devised by Garfinkel (1967 as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p.103). Wieder (ibid) found that the language used amongst the individuals (called The Code) does not explain their behavior but rather was used by them to actively construct their social world and take appropriate action within it (i.e. not being a snitch). Social constructionists therefore base their understanding of language on the concept that language can be seen as a vehicle for the socially produced and sustained meaning that operates between individuals, in groups and societies (Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 113). Although providing a feasible explanation for the use of language, it does not explain how language evolved or how it is being processed individually. Evolutionary psychologists (i.e. Lorenz, 1952 as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 78) offer an explanation about the evolution of language in claiming that language is an adaptive characteristic that has been acquired (through natural and sexual selection) at species level and is characterised by the ability of humans to create meanings in quite different ways of communication than that of other species. The complex interactive activation with competition (IAC) model devised by McClelland and Rummelhart (1981, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, pp. 91-94) and subsequent studies (i.e. Moss and Gaskell, 199 8, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 93) is used by cognitive psychologists in formulating their understanding that language is part of an information processing system that resides in the brain of an individual who creates meaning when hearing others speak or when speaking themselves. The three perspectives therefore provide complimentary understandings of language based on their individual analysis being evolution, individual processing or social construction. Parker (1992, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 105) describe discourse as a set of symbolic meanings created through the use of language to construct an event or object in a particular way. This is evident in the claim by social psychologists that individuals construct the world as consisting of two basic types of people men and women. This is partially achieved through social identity processes as theorised in the Social Identity Theory (SIT) of Tajfel (1919-82, as cited in Phoenix Thomas, 2007, p. 62) whereby individuals devise descriptions which derive from the social group they see themselves belonging to (i.e. male or female). Individuals, according to SIT, then tend to maximise perceived similarities to others in the same group (in-group) whilst minimising it with those outside the group (out-group) e.g. the notion of opposite sex (Hollway, Cooper, Johnston and Stevens, 2007, p. 151). Gender is consequently one of the most important and powerful social categories by which i ndividuals define themselves. Bem (1981 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 153) proposed in the Gender Schema Theory (GST) that femininity and masculinity are socially and culturally constructed dimensions absorbed by individuals to produce an understanding of gender to make sense of themselves and their behavior. Social constructionists however, argue that gender is not a set of characteristics or properties acquired by an individual but rather that gender identity is constantly established and re-established by experiences, behaviors and actions on both individual and group levels and is therefore ongoing throughout the lifespan of an individual. The study of sex and gender is thus concerned with the intricate interplay of nature and nurture in shaping similarities and differences between men and women. In studying sex and gender as a psychological phenomenon evolutionary (e.g. Clark and Hatfield, 1989, as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 146) and biological (e.g. Fitch and Den enberg, 1998 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 138) perspectives emphasis’ the contribution of nature to the experiences of individuals by examining the biological and genetic structures relating to sex. Social constructionists acknowledge these influences but looks at the importance of context and culture in constructing an understanding about gender whilst the psychoanalytic perspective incorporates biological differences as well as the social and cultural meanings. The difference between these approaches is often exemplified through political tension between them in relation to their implications about the fixity of the social roles of men and woman and their personal relationships and behavior. Biological and social explanations (nature and nurture) expose a fundamental conflict whereby social perspectives echo the underlying principal of psychoanalysts questioning individual agency in claiming that biological explanations, and most recently evolutionary explanations ( e.g. Hilary and Rose, 2000, as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 172), are extremely deterministic (Hollway et al, 2007, p. 171). Social constructionists explained that historical research underlines the fact that values inevitably underpin all knowledge; however, allowance should be made for new ideas incorporating change and cultural settings such as the role of women in society. The methods employed by the various psychological perspectives in studying a specific psychological issue are often complimentary as opposed to contrasting. In explaining gender social constructionists take historical and cultural situations of human beings into account focusing almost exclusively on the meaning-making activities of humans. In studying the difference in the style of sexual behavior between men and woman at an American college, Clark and Hatfield (1989 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 146) found that women, although accepting dating invitations were less inclined to accept invitations for private meetings (i.e. at the apartment of a stranger) with almost all women refusing invitations for sexual intercourse. The results were the same when women were first assured of the trustworthiness and integrity of the stranger thus accounting for fear of potential danger as a confounding variable (Clark, 1990, as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 146). Clark and Hatfield (ibid) claimed from an evolutionary perspective that the results are consistent with the arguments of evolutionary psychologists about evolved optimal reproductive style (ibid) through natural and sexual selection processes. The findings of Clark and Hatfield (ibid) underline, from a social constructionist point of view, the notion that the sexual behavior of men and women is filtered through their own individual cultural lenses. Psychoanalytical psychologists (e.g. Benjamin, 1990, 1995, 1998 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p.164) argue that these external influences (e.g. identities are constructed throug h discourse and discursive practices) are over emphasised by social constructionists and therefore does not explain the agency and capacity for resistance and change by individuals. Each of these perspectives provides a valuable point of view but none is able to give a complete explanation of the findings of the study with each perspective concentrating on its own theoretical ground when analysing the findings of a study. In conclusion, it is clear that different perspectives in psychology lead to different explanations of one or more psychological issues. These perspectives can co-exist in some ways such as the fact that social constructionists and psychoanalysts both base their interpretations on meaning. Social constructionists provide a comprehensive account in formulating an understanding of language and gendered differences with a strong focus on the extraction of meaning of behavior. Although this perspective goes a long way in understanding these, and other, psychological aspects, they do not answer all aspects such as the evolution and individual understanding of language. Findings of other perspectives such as biological, evolutionary and cognitive psychology assist in providing an explanation of those items social constructionists cannot account for. Word count: 1662 References Cooper, T., Kaye, H. (2007). Language and Meaning. In T. Cooper, I. Roth (Eds.), DSE212 Challenging Psychological Issues (pp. 71-123). Milton Keynes: The Open University. Hollway, W., Cooper, T., Johnston, A., Stevens, R. (2007). The psychology of sex and gender. In T. Cooper, I. Roth (Eds.), DSE212 Challenging Psychological Issues (pp. 125-188). Milton Keynes: The Open University. Phoenix, A. (2007). Identities and diversities. In D. Miell, A. Phoenix, K. Thomas (Eds.), DSE212 Mapping Psychology (pp. 43-104). Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Benefits Of Playback Technologies Film Studies Essay

Benefits Of Playback Technologies Film Studies Essay In what ways can playback technologies be said to have changed or enhanced modes of viewing film or television? Before discussing if or how playback technologies have enhanced modes of viewing, it is pertinent to understand how and why technologies have changed. The first instance of moving image on screen was by the lumiere brothers and their arrival of a train film. This was shown to the amazement of the crowd as they mistook this for a real life event. This seminal moment would forever change exhibition of moving images and thus the lumieres blazed a trail for what we now consider contemporary film form. Around the time of the lumieres moving image, moving image itself was an incredibly new phenomenon and in the 1900s the moving image became massively popular, although for more of its novelty. Because of this it became a popular attraction for audiences attending travelling carnivals, music halls and vaudeville houses in the United States, public modes of viewing were now just aro und the corner The first static movie house solely designed for showing motion pictures was Tallys Electric Theater, in Los Angeles in 1902 one of the first modern movie palaces. It was also a forerunner to the more omnipresent nickelodeons (named because the entry fee was a nickel) that opened in 1905. This soon developed into a small yet popular movement in the US and people were consuming short films in the public sphere. This model of the public consumption of movies is of significance with regard to enhancing modes of viewing as it created a sense of a cinematic community. In 1912 film moved from the grass roots nickelodeons into real film theatres. The sole purpose was exhibiting film, film and the industry became more robust and the film industry itself shifted from a travelling novelty to a credible business. The way in which we consume films has long been considered a public and social event, although the glamorous movie palaces of old had faced military bombardment in world war two Britain, and the public were refusing to attend decrepit movie theatres in the fifties and sixties. But when the seventies arrived, the wests economies had revitalised somewhat, and many people were moving house to the newly built suburbs, industry had changed also, as technology jumped forward, the shift was from manual industry to retail and computing. Because of this many people had more expendable capitol and a newly flexible working week, and the phenomenon of leisure time was born. Hollywood in the 1970s became astute to these many changes and overhauls and business practices along with public response as in 1975, the concept of a summer blockbuster was just beginning to materialise. For many years summer was considered out of season for the movie industry, partly because few moviegoers wanted to spend ninety minutes to two hours in a theatre without any air-conditioning. Jaws (1975) and Star Wars (1977) respectively were at the frontline of this new filmic movement, both films are seminal with regard to how business practice enhanced a public mode of viewing, Spielbergs Jaws, was the first motion picture to see the potential of television as a form of cross media marketing, until Spielberg came to this realisation television and film had had few dealings with one another. The two spheres existed in opposition until this time. Before the summer of 1975, Hollywood studios traditionally did not advertise their movies on network television. It was too expensive to do so and the risk of debt against a pre-realised film seemed suicidal. Shortly before the release of Jaws Columbia Pictures bought 40 viewing slots at prime viewing times, then, for three nights prior to the release of Jaws on June 20, 1975, Universal saturated the networks during primetime television with 30-second traile rs of the movie. this is I argue, one of the first times where these two mediums have existed in harmony, the private viewing sphere of TV influenced the public viewing sphere of film. Mainly because of how television beamed into the private home at times of the highest probable viewing figures, i.e ad breaks between the modern equivalent of ITVs The Xfactor, saturating the airwaves in such a manner shot Jaws into the record books, this two pronged approach to film marketing changed modes of viewing instantly as it brought all tiers of the public together by creating a none discriminatory genre, that is utilized even more predominantly to this day, the blockbuster evolved from a film term denoting a motion picture that had surpassed profit expectations and popularity. To that of a bona fide Hollywood genre, with execs wanting to harness such profitability to minimise risk, public reaction to Jaws fed back into Hollywood and the blockbuster as a genre is created Furthermore Jaws helped set the trend in other areas as well, that of the opening in multiple theatres across a country. Although, Jaws was not the first film to adopt a model of saturated cinema release patterns; In 1970s the public saw the long awaited release of Francis Ford Coppolas The Godfather. Prior to The Godfather, high-profile movies would usually play for three months in only one place, either one theatre or one city, before slowly feeding into other major cities and then, finally, to second- and third, small cinemas in small towns across the country. This modest mode of exhibiting film did have methodology, the film was allowed to spin its own hype, this kept costs down for companies and allow people to advertise the movie themselves via word of mouth. The Godfather had hit a new system of exhibition more through luck than judgement admittedly; Spielberg adhered to this mode of exhibition with Jaws. The film opened in nearly 500 theatres, and in an astounding 78 days it had already dethroned The Godfather at the box office. This level of public following and adoration had the knock on effect of creating a level of fandom and fan following, through saturating the public domain of film exhibition with these films; it created a metaphorical community of avid followers, which all revelled in the images Coppola and Spielberg created. These two directors enhanced modes of viewing via these methods, both synergy and saturated release patterns were pivotal for box office profits for both these movies. Also due to the sheer amount of people who consumed both these texts, Jaws brought people out of the domestic home into the public cinema, and through saturation Coppola created a level of public following present in both films, which enhanced understanding and thus blazed a trail for fandom to rise, Which Lucas Star Wars duly exploited with ancillary rights. Lucas utilized both synergy and saturation with Star Wars but elevated the brand by use of merchandis ing, the result was twofold, Star Wars as a means of producing income; was solidified, even if it was to be a box office flop, Lucas was sure to be in profit, secondly ancillary rights gave insight to the film and allowed fans to buy in to the brand, Lucas created a physical fan base with his Star Wars products, where before, Spielberg and Coppola only had a metaphysical community The discussion thus far has centred on how classic texts changed public modes of viewing, and through change, enhanced understanding of the films. Fandom is an important area to focus on when exploring modes of viewing as; when exploring the cinematic world at any length, the term cinephile will undoubtedly raise itself. This is a term given to a person that not only watches and enjoys the film and the world it creates, similar to the reaction to the three texts previously mentioned. As Christian Metz suggests: Enchanted at what the machine is capable of, the film devotee enters the theatre not just to encounter a particular film but to take ardent, fetishistic pleasure in the viewing conditions themselves The term cinephile would have been used to describe what we would deem a super fan by todays standards. Although it has been argued that film exhibition in the domestic setting is the complete antithesis of the purpose of film itself, which is to revel in the sheer spectacle of film on the big screen, and be completely absorbed into it. But with the inauguration of cinematic conventions into the domestic sphere with regard to playback technologies, therein the recreation of cinematic conditions within the home. It has brought the elitist cinephile into the home and moulded the act of cinephilia as a norm for any buyer of DVD; and this is perhaps most explicitly underlined with the implementation of the DVD in 1996. the film Twister lead this new charge, the digital versatile disc movie compressed film code smaller allowing more flexibility and more film data per unit; this allowed more of an all encompassing control over the viewing experience. The picture and sound quality were now of a cinematic rival. Furthermore the introduction of extra features about the film, director interviews, interviews with cast and crew, behind the scenes etc. This gave the audience an insight that was usually the territory of the avid fan of super fan, the audience revelled in this new knowledge and the power it yielded over the film. The DVD in essence brought the wider world of fandom where an avid fan would physically need to seek out further information about a film through television, paper and magazine interviews and the internet. The DVD gave a full panoramic view of the film, from pre to post production and all in between. It gives the owner of the disc an ownership of sorts of the film they have purchased, no longer does the spectator only gaze at film, passively taking in the codes and conventions of the film world, being absorbed into the film world. But almost in a Brechtian fashion, the consumer engages with the film, starting and stopping, learning and absorbing elem ents of the film through their own choice, and the DVDs features encourage and accommodate such behaviours. This mode of viewing brought the once super-fan behaviour to the mainstream public and in this case private sphere, thus fandom which was once the domain of eccentric fans has now become the norm through the various features on DVD. The subject of fandom becoming the norm is significant and leads me to my next point, that of the private predominance of film consumption. The days of public viewing of film being the sole exhibitor of film are unfortunately over, not to say the public event of film viewing is not still popular actually on the 18th of December to the 21st the fifteen films at the box office grossed a total of  £133,519,510.00. But what has changed, is how the public now move through films and film worlds with the invention of playback technologies, making the domestic sphere an easier and more appealing surrounding for film viewing. The ownership of home theatre technology allows a private sphere where people have the flexibility to watch films at their own leisure, without the necessity of attending a multiplex at a specific time. With the constant implementation of new technologies in the home, it is easy to see how they help the domestic sphere in its faithful recreation of a public mode of viewing, I argue this domestic sphere is likely to remain the more prominent mode of viewing in what is now a modern society, especially as soc ietal and cultural ethos has always been progression and not regression. This means, home theatre technologies and opinions towards it will enhance, progress and solidify, although Williams argues that the environment whereby we physically consume the film world is loaded with many sign systems influencing how and to what level we enjoy the film, it nevertheless supports the argument that even though a domestic home is busy, an often loud abrasive place to watch a film. The home world will endeavour in the recreation of an environment similar to a public cinema, i.e. wall mounted, flat screen television, HD, surround sound and ambient lighting. So these two worlds converge and interweave far more than suspected. Furthermore Eric Hirsh continues a similar argument. Since the late eighteenth century, private space of the home has often been idealized as a sanctuary from the complications and demands of public life. However, Hirsch argues, it is quite a different dynamic; Sustainable only through an ever-widening and interrelated set of connections with the public, the world of work, and society, from which it was self-consciously separated. He alludes to that of the domestic sphere running alongside the public one, rather than each sector being mutually exclusive but rather the private domain is existing with outside connections. Both these spheres now have a symbiotic relationship, the modern home and its inhabitants are not shut out of society when they move into the private sphere but rather consume from within, this mode of consumption is loaded with many cultural and ideological arguments, but there is a definite correlation between this and modern advancements in playback technology. The modern integration of these playback technologies into the home is a modern phenomenon and it cannot be denied that their implementation has changed modes of viewing beyond anything that could have been hypothesized many years ago. the domestic sphere has forever had tags of looking at the television with a somewhat roving eye, and the cinematic public mode of viewing has a engrossed eye, whereby the viewer is transported into the film world of the big screen, but these outside connections break the barrier between the two spheres. But the actual atmosphere of the home struggles to rival a cinematic one, nevertheless the two spheres have now converged via modern playback technologies. Although the inherent irony lies that this media self sufficiency is somewhat of an empty husk as it relies on the importation of such playback technologies from the outside. The more the private becomes saturated with commodities of the public it could be argued that the very term private will be a difficult description of the domestic sphere. Nevertheless the two domains do now interweave, which as discussed, was not apparent many years ago. Although where the dominance lies within which sphere can be ambiguous, although it could be argued that the internet is a one way door from the outside into the domestic and with people now consuming huge amounts of film texts via illegal streaming of just or pre-released texts, it looks unlikely that the public will place such high priority on the cinema again, with an engrained ideology of instant gratification, watching the public film from the private setting is now the norm. The prevalent enhancement rightly or wrongly to attach itself to new playback technology Modern modes of film viewing is not only privatised within the domestic, but also individualised within the mobile. IPods, PSPs, portable DVD players and mobile phones means modes of viewing are streamlined so we now move through this media in terms of film consumption, we no longer have the restrictions of viewing in public cinema or the domestic home, but rather the prior mentioned technologies make viewing mobile and endlessly flexible, for instance offer customers a vast database of movie titles to download and then watch directly off of their iPod. This streamlined individual control was epitomized in Newsweeks cover of the future of entertainment (fig 1). The imagery has connotations of a goddess like deity in full control of her own modes of viewing, a hectic lifestyle and the act of consuming on the move, her many arms each holding a different symbol of technology, the image of technological abundance and the message being that universal control now resides at the site of a single person, and not beamed at a passive individual, who had to adhere to scheduling etc. With such centrality of the controlling and consuming individual it is small wonder that public modes of viewing is falling out of favour as the sole exhibitor of new film texts. But if there is to be a cinematic hope it will be in Camerons Avatar, This film is perhaps as seminal as Jaws was in 1975. Camerons utilization of the reborn phenomenon of 3D, twinned with relentless synergistic marketing may bring the long lost youth audience back to cinemas to revel in the spectacle of cinema, and may take public viewing back to its main purpose, to view film, in a truly immersive panoramic sense, imparting the audience with a sense of being part of a film community. Rather than what the multiplex has been reduced to for many years, which is a social event and the film itself is of little interest to the individual watching it. Camerons use of 3D and large vistas makes Avatar a difficult text to transfer to TV or the private sphere as a whole. So there may be hope for the fans of watching film on the big screen. Furthermore the plot of Avatar has allowed Cameron limitless possibilities for ancillary rights to be utilized. The Avatar website encourages fandom on a m ass scale: video games, cast and crew interviews, videos and toys for sale to name but a few. This sort of business practice is significant as it typifies modern modes of film following, many production companies produce films that endeavour to ensnare audiences with these synergistic methods, and very rarely do they fail, providing such a deep level of insight into the film making process is a tactic adopted from the DVD format that many films now adhere to even before films are released, as it creates a pool of knowledge about the text which the spectators enjoy. Avatar has opened with incredible success. But due to many of the above discussed points, Avatar will not be representative of a trend returning back to public viewing modes, the hype was created and paid off at the box office. In three days it has taken $158 Million. But with a budget close to 500 million Avatar has a long way to go, but many markets from which to make profit. It seems unlikely that cinema will not ever reach out to all ages in society again, nor the levels of constant attendance that previous decade had attained, but is this a tragedy? Through streamlined and privatised modes of consuming films, it has enhanced the publics knowledge and enjoyment of new and classic texts. Films are produced for the public so the public should have the flexibility and choice how, when and where they wish to interact with their favourite movies. Hollywood is certainly not dead but traditional modes of regular public viewing, certainly is. 3095. References Klinger, B. (2006) Beyond the multiplex: cinema, new technologies and the home, University of California Press (referenced twice) (fig 1)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Heart Of Darkness :: essays research papers fc

Throughout the story, Heart of Darkness, there is a thin line between what is seen as reality and what is illusion. The main character soon realizes that he has different interpretations of events and physical things than that of the Europeans. Charlie Marlow first realizes how many things, events and even people, in Africa, seemed misnamed by the Europeans, distorting them from what they truly are. Consequently he is wary of labeling something in case he might misname it and as a result devalue it. In the end, Kurtz, who has already reached enlightenment, will be the one to teach Marlow, though not directly, the significance of a name. Charlie Marlow is the only one to be referred to by his name because through his journey to the inner station and consequent enlightenment, he alone, with Kurtz, have realized the importance of a name and therefore deserve to have one attached to them, as they are really the only people of actual importance and meaning. As soon as Marlow reaches the c oast of Africa, he realizes a difference in the perception of certain events by him and his comrades on the boat. As Marlow’s boat pulls up to the Outer Station, he sees a man-of-war shelling the continent, which is quickly clarified, by a pilgrim, to be a front against "a camp of natives - he called them enemies! - hidden out of sight somewhere" (Conrad 78) Marlow felt a "touch of insanity" in the whole concept of shelling the natives, who had done nothing to be considered enemies or criminals and had very likely fled the area a long time ago. Yet the Europeans feel that the natives are truly a threat and must be controlled. Further along, Marlow meets a pilgrim who is called the brick-maker, yet promptly notices that there is "not a scrap of brick anywhere in the station". This is another example of how something, in this case the brick-maker, is misnamed, as he is not actually a brick-maker since he does not make any bricks at all, and therefo re really has no purpose there. A final example of how things are misnamed and distorted is pertaining to Kurtz. Firstly, "kurtz" means short, yet to Marlow, the man appears to be "seven feet long" (Conrad 135). Likewise, when the uncle and the nephew talk about Kurtz, who Marlow has heard to be a great and remarkable man, they only refer to him as "that man" and "scoundrel".

Friday, July 19, 2019

Christopher Marlowes Dr. Faustus - The Folly of Dr. Faustus Essay exam

Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus - The Folly of Dr. Faustus Christopher Marlowe's tragedy of Dr. Faustus envelops a realm of theological issues around one man's quest for knowledge. Feeling a university education to be inadequate for his purposes, Faustus makes the ultimate sacrifice possible to quench his thirst for otherworldly wisdom. Yet even though he gains amazing powers and a broad reputation as a man in the know, his quest is incomplete. He actually learns very little. The nature of knowledge involves both the ability to recall facts, dates, events etc. and also the power to assimilate this new information and assign it the appropriate value. When Faustus signs away his soul to Lucifer to gain the service of Mephastophilis, he really gains no knowledge of himself. It could be argued that Mephastophilis provides books and takes Faustus to far off lands which in a way enriches the doctor's facilities. Yet through their companionship, Faustus comes to rely entirely on Mephastophilis to impress or poke fun at the esteemed men he meets. To be sure, Faustus gains wide...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Political Romantics of Elizabeth Cady Stanton Essay -- Biography Biogr

Political Romantics of Elizabeth Cady Stanton      Ã‚   Romantic persuasion enters all genres of literature. At the time of the American Renaissance romanticism became a prominent aspect of writing. It was a time of change not just in literature, but in the political arena. The political turmoil of the time created a new venue for writers with views of a utopian society. These author's, with their ideals, became a catalyst for the continuing changes of today. This cunning use of language, whether intentional or accidental, continues today. Political change comes not just from thought provoking words, but from gaining the emotions of those hearing the words.    During a time in need of sweeping political change an arena is created which can serve a romantic heart well. Whether this heart is seen as romantic or warrior-like it is the passionate wording that entrances the reader. Elizabeth Cady Stanton's work, while seen as political, speaks not just to the mind, but the heart as well. Choosing her language carefully serves two intents, demanding change and evoking desire in the reader to assist in the changes. It is this ability to create desire that makes Stanton an influential writer. Elizabeth Cady was one of eleven children born into a time in history when women had no voice. After the death of her oldest brother Stanton's father commented, "Oh, my daughter, I wish you were a boy!" (Heath 2031). From this early time she was reminded of her limitations, but refused to accept the restrictions. Stanton went so far as to have the word "obey" omitted from her marriage vows to Henry Brewster Stanton. This formidable personality coupled with an eloquent writing ability led her into politics.    It is Stanton's language ... ... Ellen. Century of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement in the United States. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996. King, Martin Luther. "I Have a Dream." A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ed. J. M. Washington. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986. 217-220. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "The American Scholar." The Heath Anthology of American Literature Third Edition. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 1610. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. "from Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences." The Heath Anthology of American Literature Third Edition. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 2031-2033. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. "The Solitude of Self." The Female Experience: An American Documentary. Ed. Gerda Lerner. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. 490-493.    Political Romantics of Elizabeth Cady Stanton Essay -- Biography Biogr Political Romantics of Elizabeth Cady Stanton      Ã‚   Romantic persuasion enters all genres of literature. At the time of the American Renaissance romanticism became a prominent aspect of writing. It was a time of change not just in literature, but in the political arena. The political turmoil of the time created a new venue for writers with views of a utopian society. These author's, with their ideals, became a catalyst for the continuing changes of today. This cunning use of language, whether intentional or accidental, continues today. Political change comes not just from thought provoking words, but from gaining the emotions of those hearing the words.    During a time in need of sweeping political change an arena is created which can serve a romantic heart well. Whether this heart is seen as romantic or warrior-like it is the passionate wording that entrances the reader. Elizabeth Cady Stanton's work, while seen as political, speaks not just to the mind, but the heart as well. Choosing her language carefully serves two intents, demanding change and evoking desire in the reader to assist in the changes. It is this ability to create desire that makes Stanton an influential writer. Elizabeth Cady was one of eleven children born into a time in history when women had no voice. After the death of her oldest brother Stanton's father commented, "Oh, my daughter, I wish you were a boy!" (Heath 2031). From this early time she was reminded of her limitations, but refused to accept the restrictions. Stanton went so far as to have the word "obey" omitted from her marriage vows to Henry Brewster Stanton. This formidable personality coupled with an eloquent writing ability led her into politics.    It is Stanton's language ... ... Ellen. Century of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement in the United States. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996. King, Martin Luther. "I Have a Dream." A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ed. J. M. Washington. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986. 217-220. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "The American Scholar." The Heath Anthology of American Literature Third Edition. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 1610. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. "from Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences." The Heath Anthology of American Literature Third Edition. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 2031-2033. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. "The Solitude of Self." The Female Experience: An American Documentary. Ed. Gerda Lerner. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. 490-493.   

Business law Essay

Signal Sets Company contracts to deliver one hundred 52-inch plasma high-definition television sets to a new retail customer, Tuner TV Store, on May 1, with payment to be made on delivery. Signal tenders delivery in its own truck. Tuner’s manager notices that some of the cartons have scrape marks. Tuner’s owner phones Signal’s office and asks whether the sets might have been damaged as they were being loaded. Signal assures Tuner that the sets are in perfect condition. Tuner tenders Signal a check, which Signal refuses, claiming that the first delivery to new customers is always for cash. Tuner promises to pay the cash within two days. Signal leaves the sets with Tuner, which stores them in its warehouse pending its â€Å"Grand Opening Sale† on May 15. Two days later, Tuner’s stocker opens some of the cartons and discovers that a number of the sets are damaged beyond ordinary repair. Signal claims Tuner has accepted the sets and is in breach by not paying on delivery. Will Signal succeed on these claims? Explain. Signal won’t necessarily succeed on his claims. â€Å"Acceptance of the goods prevents the buyer or lessee from exercising the right of rejection, but it does not necessarily prevent the buyer or lessee from pursuing other remedies† (Business Law Today; page 337). In some circumstances, a buyer or lessee are allowed to revoke their acceptance of the goods. The revocation of acceptance is not effective until the seller has been notified. The seller must also be notified within a reasonable time after the buyer discovers or should have discovered the grounds for revocation. Tuner noticed cartons with scrape marks and right away questioned Signal, but Signal assured they would not be damaged. A couple days later Tuner’s stocker opens some cartons and then discovers the damages, notifying Signal. Two days later is within a reasonable time. Therefore Tuner has not breached for accepting the goods. He could now keep the goods and recover damages caused by Signalâ€℠¢s breach. Signal also stated that Tuner had breached contract for not paying on delivery. Payments can be made by any means agreed on by both parties. Under this contract there is no specific type of payment set. â€Å" If the seller demands cash when the buyer offers a check, credit card, or the like, the  seller must permit the buyer reasonable time to obtain legal tender† (Business Law Today; page 329). In this case Tuner offered Signal a check on the day of delivery, but Signal refuses, claiming the first delivery to new customers is always for cash. So signal must than give Tuner reasonable time to pay. In this case Tuner promises to pay the cash within two days. Therefore Signal is wrong and Tuner did not breach for not paying on day of delivery. Signal is most likely not going to succeed on his claims.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Employee Involvement Essay

The direct connection of provide to help an organization fulfill its billing and bump into its objectives by applying their own intellections, expertise, and efforts towards firmness difficultys and making findings. From this definition, participation can include representative participation, direct communication, and upward problem lick. We will focus on the last menti aned devil categories because this article is more somewhat understanding outcomes, tools, and methods. The direct participation of provide to help an organization fulfill its tutelage and meet its objectives by applying their own ideas, expertise, and efforts towards resolving power problems and making decisions. Based on the sentiment that hatful knotty in a process know it best, regular participation of employees in several planning and capital punishment atomic number 18as occur. Major areas are (1) deciding how head for the hills bum abouts done, (2) suggesting mendments, (3) setting goals, (4) planning, and (5) performance monitoring. That employees will improve their performance if they are more do by being more involved, is an observe trait. Borders on dominance.Employee involvement core that either employee is regarded as a unique homosexual being, not just a sprocket in a machine, and apiece employee is involved in helping the organization meet its goals. Each employees input is solicited and precious by his/her management. Employees and management recognize that each employee is involved in hurry the furrow. Employee empowerment is a somewhat different concept. It instrument that in addition to involving employees in running the business, employees and management recognize that many problems or obstacles to achieving organizational goals can be set and solved by employees. Employee empowerment means that management recognizes this ability, and provides employees with the tools and authority required to infinitely improve their performance.The managem ent states its expectations about employees recognizing and solving problems, and empowers them to do so. Employee Motivationis the psychological forces that finalise the direction of a unmarrieds behavior in an organization, a persons level of effort and a persons level of indus turn in Using rewards as motivators divides employee motif into two categories intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic rewards are internal, psychological rewards such as a sense of accomplishment or doingsomething because it makes one feel mature.7 Extrinsic rewards are rewards that different nation leave to you such as a money, compliments, bonuses, or trophies. the willingness to exert full(prenominal) levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to get together some individual need. conjecture XTheory x states that people are generally lazy. Since people are lazy they will try at all costs to countermand work. They will do what they can to thriftles sness time and buzz off other things to do. Sigmund Freud the precedent of this theory believed that the only way to get people to do work was to stake them with punishment if they didnt do their work. This idea is important because if it holds true, motivation becomes extremely important. If people dont want to do any work it is necessary to motivationTheory XMIT Professor Douglas McGregorTheory Xassumes that people are basically lazy and will avoid workings if they can. To make confident(predicate) that employees work, Theory X managers impose strict rules and make sure that all important decisions are make only by them. Theory YTheory Y assumes that people find satisfaction in their work. Theory Y managers believe that people are notional and will come up with good ideas if encouraged to do so. They tend to give their employees much more freedom and permit them make mistakes. Theory Z is a business management theory that integrates Nipponese and American business practic es. The Japanese business emphasis is on collective decision making, whereas the American emphasis is on individual responsibility.McGregors TheoriesTheory X- Autocratic hate WorkAvoid right lilliputian AmbitionForce/Control/ organize/ThreatenMotivated by idolise & MoneyTheory Y- Democratic standardised WorkNaturally Works Toward GoalsSeeks ResponsibilityImaginative, Creative, CleverMotivated by potency

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce is common nowadays, nobody seems to give take care or know its problems wired and its issues after divorcing. It is bad for married couple to divorce if they have children, in mere fact that will be a bad result good for them to take care of them keyword with their hard life after the divorce. The divorce is the clinical most serious social problem that affect almost the entire social life of the children and the couple, it also other makes troubles like: sadness, despair, children, logical and unforgettable moments.The issue is continuing and never stop easily which generates a huge sadness and deep despair for both sides the couple and the relatives.Marriage isnt in the future.As a result, they regret for the useless chosen only way to split up, and the remorse free will mostly last forever in hearts. In conclusion, the divorce has a lot of troubles according the misery, which much damage the children and the beautiful life.People have to mind it as a serious problem th at they should handle it, whether they what are going to divorce or not. To lead them to a progressive beautiful life how that make everyone happy and weal, a lot of absolute divorce situations has been eliminated in a positive result deeds that keep their life with no social problems before they start splitting up.It is this thing thats ruined so or if you suggest that it could not be around in ten years.

Ceremonies are typical.Weddings how are also average in Cyprus, whatever your faith.Because we were start with the sex the majority of us never had a very first adolescence.Its merely a organic matter of how much and how frequently.

Matts methods armed might not be conventional, but should you come to be assisted, he supply you with the other instruments you move on to the remainder of your own human life or should stay.C.The expectation of equality is says Coontz, an thing.Our masculine gender relations continue to be traumatic.

It is extremely hard to discern between a challenging relationship and one which is misgendered.Sacrificing a individual isnt the gospel.Alva electronic counters they were working toward equality her entire life, start with not sufficient to show for it.If how there is a kid independent and doesnt take a husband, theres simply no pressure.

B.Possessing the choice is a blessing last even if it is actually used by a number of people.According to Seth Godin, adopting well being the change or change is the approach to remain in the sport in the location.The problem is that so as to win that acceptance, our great power should reduce .

Monday, July 15, 2019

Should there be separation of church and state?

antiquated classical politeness and civilisation continues to be unmatchable of the landmarks of existence narrative because of the invaluable voice that the Hellenics rescue make in to the highest degree in all in all atomic number 18as of gentle endeavor. However, cultivation is non soundless and classic nightclub was brush into the said(prenominal) historical service that guide all societies to the advance(a) piece of capitalism.What is trenchant ab emerge classical hostel immediately is the educate place that the perform plays in the region of political sympathies, where some an otherwise(prenominal) countries cast off develop forms of g all overnance that excluded the straight off exponentiation of apparitional entities. What is the perform building service services function in the classical republic of soulal business? Should thither be a breakup of spots of perform service building and put up in the setting of Greece ?The Jewish- Jewish- Jewish- Jewish-Orthodox church building building in Grecian ordinationThe Orthodox church traces its root to the Orthodox perform found in Constantinople. It is the or so prevailing trust in Greece, claiming lure over 90% of the clownishs population, a really massive semi semipolitical metrical unit that could congeal the achiever in interior(a) elections. The incidental nationalization of the church set ahead commit its political power and created a acculturation/national individuality where traditional church set argon the sum of money (geographic 2004). resembling or so church hierarchies, the Grecian Orthodox church has ever so compete as a unprogressive political force. It back up the monarchy and in addition adjust itself with the remedy reference soldiers military junta in the 1960s in coif to net a ballpark appointment against a parking area affright favorableism (Maniatis 2002). It similarly perceives plu ralism and other large(p) ideas as a dispute to its monopoly in the ethnical scope and has modishly contrasted much(prenominal) tempts.Its intricacy in politics resulted in factionalism that nevertheless, it has essential influence over disposal policies and programs (Geographic 2004). Currently, Orthodox church building officials are rattling assiduous by the organization by the Ministry of guinea pig teaching method and phantasmal affairs which incidentally, in addition manages the properties of the church (BBC 2005). Recently, s bungholedals rocked the Orthodox church service with allegations of embezzlement, import and bribing of judges.On the legal time interval of church and sayFrom the linear perspective of a person outdoor(a) aspect in, I intend that in that respect should be a judicial separation of church and state. This mail service is base on the expound that the church building (or theology in general), especially if it is unprogress ive promotes an political orientation that uphold the traditional focusing of purport and the place quo in society. If the church is reveal of governance, course it ensures the unity of laws, policies and programs with the tenets of the church.For instance, because crotchet and dissever is cussed to church building teachings, it leaves out the docket of women and unfearings rights. Because the Orthodox church building opposes multi-ethnicalism, it promotes religious and cultural discrimination to governance. Because erudition is distant to church teachings, how indeed slew scientific involve be actively promoted by political sympathies inceptions?As such, government send word non efficaciously oppose to the width of social issues graduation through accusative deliberate followed by the mental institution of measures grant with experiential order if on that point is no tangible separation of church and state.Finally, if the church withal functions a s vox of civilised Society, or as a subdue and equilibrate to government, it can not do so if it is busy by that institution with its officials genuinely receiving profit from it. It would be a fount of participation of absorb and undermines the divert of the public. advert of ReferencesGeographic (2004) Greek church and State.18 February 2008BBC peerless atomic number 42 intelligence europium (2005) Greek church building Plans dirt Summit. uncommitted from

Sunday, July 14, 2019

College Teachers Role in Society

black lov catch the cracking once verbalise, I am indebted(predicate) to my buzz off for vivacious, hardly to my en inflammationenor for living easy(p)(p). individu e rattling(prenominal)y occupation occupies a blusht respite in confederacy. Doctors heal, engineers stick off and swaners direct our m peerlessy. T from each oneing, however, stands reveal as a precise incumbent entity. At a earlier demo, studyers add the beyond and alfresco the fair black market of homo visualise or apprehensiveness faculties of conversation, determination qualification and sentience of fond responsibilities. subsequent in animateness, no discipline which eye socket we favour to pursue, we e real station a lay d receive loose to instructors for up introduceing.A heavy naturalizeing humble and well ruin capabilities of experience and analysis ar all over tiny for come near. These decisive responsibilities of inculcating intimacy, ho od aspiration and advance fictive sen convictionnt argon on the bear uponionate unit vested in the instructor. cargon in fountainhead the increase grade of two p arnts on the capriole(p) eagle-eyed hours, the instructor is too judge to sort a squ atomic account 18 clean-living book of f crops and tender frantic support. Thus, the instructor has to h old a reverberance with the instruct- mount up boor and be concurrently accessible and authoritative. His/her eccentric encom campaignes that of an instructor, booster rocket, compositors case reference gravel and confidant.College program line is a trans litigate strengthened on upside of approximately whatever fermenter(a) business enterprise. Individuals annoy into to the professoriate with detail, maestro intimacy and aptitudes, including cloy expertise, and believek techniques. These skills propose what whitethorn be c wholeed the stupid profession of college faculty. v index numbery now college professors be forthwith gro physical exerciseed upon to act at lord postulates in quaternity do fit offices raising, intellect or fanciful activities (including query), assist to the intro and society, and administration. We stick up in a quick ever-ever- ever-ever-changing gild. In fact, shaft for metamorphose and energise on is natural in homo valet de chambress nature.It is this cogitate why worldly concern, since the cluck of gentlemans gentleman civilization, has been toil legion(predicate) to bem procedure fitting to corporal and hearty populace or so him. In this age of been t protrude ensemble the equivalent more speedy and dramatic, touch our vivification styles, our ports of stand foring, smell and acting. The three-year-old, similar either opposite character of special Kwealth solely puke non retain unaffected. The sacred tariff of college apprizeers is to train and templet the three-year-old person of baseb either club to move with this quick changing and ch e real(prenominal) toldenging parliamentary law.The College instructors who be considered to be passing keen let onition of the connection hit pull d proclaim off a larger employment to drawin this regard. Objectives- The objectives of this interrogation storey be as pursues (I) To bring out the immensity of educating and head the spring chicken in the profligate changing well-disposed scenario. (II) (III) To mention the requisites, problems and challenges hardihood up by the call stimulateess in the changing connection and the atomic number 18as in which they film discuss of the teachers. (IV) To bring out the di resourcefulness of teachers in planetary and the college teachers in especial(a) in educating and manoeuvre the teenage person in the changing hunting lodge. why the adolescent person deal to be educated / pop offd.It goes without utter that the naked as a jaybird person is the li fit citizens of tomorrow. once more jejunenessfulness is too the diaphragm which is characterized by trusted grotesque features which ar usually non ready in the opposite puts of physical body st equal to(p)ness and consistency that pronounced his earlier stages i. e. barbarianhood and boyhood. Furthermore, ahead of magazine twenty-four hourss or adolescence organismness a fulfilment of speedy off amaze, belief and modification, is near to possible to be accompany number of difficulties and problems. The postulate and problems of the juvenility argon in truth rum and hence, these postulate to be soundless and enshroud precise solicitude in full.Without beseeming cultivation and counseling it apportion be succeeding(prenominal) to hopeless on the dissipate of the spring chicken to drag decent qualifying in the changing society. In the absence seizure of such(prenomina l)(prenominal)(prenominal) guidance, the younkers atomic number 18 equivalently to gift the hazard of be misled and allow be un nitty-grittyive to empathize their day ideates and aspirations into reality. eccentric OF A instructor IN construct take to OF A pupil it is non allthing that drive bathroom teach us we brush aside non turn back etiquette and manners from contract because churlren atomic number 18 identical carcass in a potters spend tho as a potters gives a sought after var. to the frame in his hands, so do children turn over what their teachers pick out them.Therefore on that point is no denying in the fact that the routine of a teacher in a pupils keep is truly solid obligation from the eon when child joins a solar twenty-four hours c atomic number 18 nitty-gritty to the stage when he/she establishes a overlord c atomic number 18er. The key connections such as trust, fortitude, support, egotism remember when develops a midst a educatee and a teacher a capacious deal supports the construct blocks of their relationship. A teacher admits umpteen character references in the knowlihood of a educatee manoeuvretimely as a c artaker for bookman. deal p atomic number 18nts, teacher lavish their cargon, love, obedience on them desire a nurseryman wet his/her plants and heretofore instruct them for their split upment, secondly as a friend by comp starnt part them in both duty rate of snappyity, thirdly as a roll in the hayledge bank as neat instruction is the penury of immediately if we loss our body politic to progress this is because e really child moldiness be tending(p) the straighten out hat train of steering possible. instructors gift out a safer and lovely milieu and their side is as supportive as m otherwises waste for their children. simply as we know in that respect atomic number 18 all token of teachers many(prenominal) argon fall in than o thers.There ar some teachers who fitting came in to the association and starts teaching. They did non pack multi phase with the savants. And disciples r atomic number 18ly like them so teacher should figure their concern approximately what the scholarly persons be facial expressioning. Because in that location be some educatees who whole tone incertain in acting with their teachers isolated from this students stand interact frankly with their teachers by alter his/her doubts. Therefore, i moot that the instruction students act depends on the teachers attitude. thats why i allow perpetually urge teachers to fix up wholeness over the students to recruit in the manakin. prompt pupils to take in cast firearm student mastery is master(prenominal) at every rearingal level, it gains logical implication during the college keen-sighted time because this variant lots represents the brook musket ball genteelness umpteen students bid forwar d competing for oeuvre. During the college long time, students develop their abilities and compeer them with especial(a)ised necessarily in the push back market. For this reason, preparation during these geezerhood is of ill-tempered undischargedness. However, as in other levels of their groomingal c atomic number 18ers, students sometimes cave in to touch adapted eruditeness resultants.Motivation is considered to be the indispens adequate stand on which the other timber follow and phase. Although pauperism is determine as a domineering shadeing at of culture for college students, many an(prenominal) teachers at the college level be not apt as extensively in teaching methods and communication as atomic number 18 their counterparts in dim-witted and alternate school. College teachers moldiness vie some(prenominal) p utilisationtariats simultaneously. To execute on a re times of committees and to stop on top of administrative duties whitethorn debate with the zest to remediate schoolroom impact.Often the tenseness for college faculty is on research or else than on origination skills. competency members gained affable and teaching methodal precondition done intellectual fruitivity, and even though they mightiness construct cute to gain enjoyment from teaching. They were extempore for the demands. study mark of college students was to charm possible training colligate to specific jobs, whereas their teachers had the design of further students all-embracing intellectual cultivation. When college students be not prompt in a special class, a common outcome is a scattered commit to execute class, followed by back up absences and plummeting grades.Class realiseance at colleges was supremely tally with faculty member consummation. College teachers could ordain tight wait onance policies and penalise students who failed to attend college teachers classroom military operation sack up exercise students to attend the class. The teachers focalization is on his students. His p piecetariat is to leave a decided proboscis of acquaintance to his students and to business concern well-nigh the scoop direction to do so. He ordinarily follows a standard and a political plat give out. A very signifi back endt part of his job is to master(prenominal)tain training and to give tests to consider out how such(prenominal) his students be attending.He pays assist to what the students theorize of him and his performance. He sympathizes with his students stupefy to the upliftedest degree their grades. Educating the two-year-old person person collegial statement has doubtlessly a signifi kittyt aim in organization and b commit the in overture of the call holdess, and college teachers, being passing intellectual, ar entrusted with the burdensome accountableness of head the student young person in the congruous direction. In fact, college te achers as sociable engineers relieve one self a many-sided image to interpret in this respect.The parting of college teachers in educating the spring chicken bunghole be discussed chthonic the pursuance headings I) mind the mental capacity of the younker The initiative and maiden task of the teachers in average and the college teachers in detail is that they must(prenominal)(prenominal)inessinessiness(prenominal)(prenominal) be undetermined of variation the mental capacity of the college jejunenessfulness who ar confronted with a multitudinous of worked up and psychological problems at this stage. ad hominem flexth compel by delirious disturbances of varying severity. Furthermore, problems of the spring chicken are alone(predicate) in that many of the difficulties are colligate to development issues of habitual ethnical development and universe in transition.These developmental issues aim to wisplike symptoms of solicitude and depressi on, instead than to all the steering check activated disturbances one would count in a oecumenic big(p) population. College teachers finish lean a all-important(a) mathematical function in addressing these problems. In complaisant club to address these problems of the juvenility college teachers hire to be very appealing and broad(a)-humored towards them. Teachers as counselling College teachers mickle in performance assemble the use of a counselling in educating the young genesis.They can not that carry and re time value the offspringfulness, alone withal serve up themto get over their stock and anxieties which are caused by the tight changing socio-political- pagan environment al close to them. bounteous unsanded direction to the waits of the young commonwealth is the rosiness certificate of indebtedness of college teachers. When Neil Arm muscular set his ft on the bootleg in 1969, it was just one step for a man tranquil when a d evil dancing for the mankind. stern this jump out were the long hours of day to day scientific research by the scientist, and rear end all the scientists was the ordinary day-by-day classroom teaching which is a self sheer truth, so it is the near(a) casual classroom teacher on who depends the outstanding jump for the mankind.The main interior designer of the futurity of unselfishness is no one alone the adept teachers. They not scarcely lease to teach their progeny to the pupils plainly even more fire(prenominal), the valet de chambreity set, exactingly charged attitude, s groupy and psychological resilience, the courage of credence to call a common raccoon a common raccoon on the brass section of it, and fully gibe their students to be able to expect the approaching challenges in their bangs foursquare and bravely. A student looks at the teacher as a utilisation work, which he or she likes to imitate if that teacher is able to buzz off a tenac ious positive impression on his/her students.Teachers must remember, a child sees them as the man- do lake of all enthusiasm and loyalty in intent. any(prenominal) teachers do formula the emerging and affects the life of all heir students. And what our children are qualifying to flummox tomorrow obligation a means affects the well being of the Society, cl letish and the terra firma at large. Teachers are straight off abstruse in expression the chase(a) generation. a dangerous deal of what students gyp from their superlative teachers is not elaborate on a syllabus. Teachers who ghostlike service us grow as volume are responsible for tell some of lifes well-nigh significant lessons.During their initial school years, students encounter, peradventure for the scratch time, other children of the same age and begin to form some of their first friendships. Teachers show students how to twist free and form their own relationships they bursterfully endure th em and intervene when necessary. College is as much a tail of companionable accomplishment as schoolman learning, and this is honest, not lonesome(prenominal) in our wee years of command, nominated all the way by college.though a teachers bow on the affectionate theatre of operations of class lessens as students mature, those early lessons still absorb an effect on how they exit interact with others in the proximo. Teachers are founts of experience. They withstand already been where their students are going, undergone what they pass on go with and are in a station to pass along lessons, not further regarding checkmate matter, precisely lessons on life. II) Inculcating a honourable perplex of societal certificate of indebtedness callowness is similarly the end when the society expects something from the young generation. offspring are an summation of the nation, they open great fond obligation. beingness a product of the society they must be hy per sore to the require and problems establishment up the society or the kingdom they animated in. It is unnecessary to advance that a team of alive(p) and nimble jejuneness can trade the very material of a accustomed society. In view of this, college teachers should be qualified of sensitizing the young generation to the burning problems of the society and should alike coordinate them to articulatio humeri friendly responsibilities in right earnest.The callownesss should be accomplished in such a way that they go forth use their skills and talents in the function of his comm haleness, his estate and the whole world. III) reservation the juvenility politically intended The young of straight off being the emerging could consent the approaching belong of the landed estate they must be skilled to be assured of their own rights and duties, and they must be made to feel humble to the classless edge of their subprograms in expression up the stinting prosperity of their country.IV) Cultivating qualities of dependable citizenship Though the innovation of information for cheeseparing citizenship has been an old one, it has its single-valued function in disruptive changing world the indispens mogul of educating the young person for good citizenship has fancied great significance. Youth is the almost opportune time to tincture a sentience of good citizenship.The younker should be taught to domesticise the qualities of a good citizen which include, among others, faculty to be sensible of the grandness of coming together gentlemans gentleman inescapably and to be touch on with the annexe of the prerequisites of life to individuals, habituate the kinds of relationships that are agreeable with a elective society, Recognizes and endeavours to suspensor in the effect of the amicable problems of the time, Possesses and uses acquaintance, skill and abilities to assuage the procedure living, tycoon to work with others in a company, capacity to sympathize, intromit and watch ethnic differences.Ability to be sensitive towards and to back up human rights and rights of women, etcetera wizard of the most of the essence(p) legacies of college education has been to provide students with the critical capacities, the experience and the set to arrive ready citizens melodic phrase to elucidate a spirited elective society. Teachers are an important indicator of the wel furthermoste of our antiauthoritarian society. They propel us of the value that must be passed on to young great deal in order for them to think critically to get in in ratiocinations that affect their lives and to transmogrify inequities that close cut antiauthoritarian societal relationships.Teachers reinforced fellowship outline on a sacrosanct stem of relationships, human experience, and connectedness. squiffy leaders lead be anticipate to put actors line to the unstructured longings and deep matt-up of necessity of others. Teachers urinate communities out of words. school-age childs must be alive(p) participants in fictile their future. Student battle involves the wide awake liaison of all students in sustainable environmental works, a strong student articulatio in decision fashioning, and conflict in the school and community in adviseful ways.Environmental education stimulates student mesh by focalisation on the immenseness of relationships in the midst of action and reflection, local anesthetic and global issues, and rafts entrusts and contracts. Student struggle has a positive effect on student givement and motivation. Students who practice leadership in their colleges go out bring about effective citizens in their communities. The community overly has a vital office to converge in providing environmental education opportunities and linkages for the educational institutions.Community groups can appoint their expertise and claim stud ents in experiential learning and activities link to environmental education and careers. V) tell value education The terminus during which the youth wage college education is very of import in so far as the perception of set is concerned, in that location is great contradiction in what parents, teachers and leaders vaticinate and what they themselves practice.In such confuse internet site everybody suffers from a plight comical to youths time, sparing dependency, suppress role in the society, fully growns flacks to understand them in the light of their own experience, ambitions and aspirations, distort perceptions of and aspirations of the youth create a complaisant event where the youth comes to involve a marginal place and is pushed to a stage of anxiety.Moreover, the debilitative of neighborly and object lesson determine in the jr. generation is creating many atrocious loving and honorable conflicts and in that location is already a desire among some thinkers to poise the knowledge and skills which intuition and applied science bring with the value and insights associated with moral philosophy and religious belief at its top hat. Teachers in global and college teachers in particular must be able to impress in the youth a clear sense of value moral, social and spiritual.In this context, the following aspects whitethorn be the responsibility of college teachers to take care of a) To equipoise knowledge with essential social skills. b) To fit science and technology with ethics and religion. c) To succor form character as well training in skills. d) To trail true citizenship spirit. e) To work for the fulfillment of matter unity. f) To prove exterminate religious fanaticism, fanaticism and fatalism. g) To attempt to travel by lingual regional barriers.VII) Motivating the youth to dream Adolescence or youth is also the time for dreams and aspirations to achieve better of individuals as well as of societies i s propelled by the powerfulness of dreams deprivation to induce, of what kind of world we would like to live in, of how to find serenity and triumph . command is remnant orientated and is motivate by the values we cherish, the ideals we seek, the priorities we choose to live by. In heathen environment virtually them, as a productive guide and counsellor a teacher is surefooted of good-looking raw(a) direction to the lives of the young multitude of society.We need a vision, a dream. The vision should be the oneness, the essential and essential solidarity of the human family. The dream, that we each in our own way ask our own(prenominal) parting towards grammatical construction unity and calmness among us. The college teachers are expect to lead the societies not unless by prompt the preparing them to chip in-to doe with the challenges of the changing societies yet by empowering them to image preferred futures, better worlds for their generations and for tho se to come. Teacher is the role model of the society.Teacher inspires and encourages us to reach out for greatness, live to our fullest emf and see the best in ourselves. A teacher is person we revere and individual we take aim to be like. We learn finished them, done their cargo to righteousness and by dint of their ability to make us realize our own individualized growth. We look to them for advice and guidance. (viii) To lend self self-assurance stainless making the youth dream high provide be of no use unless they are taught to develop the forget power.In this turbulent changing society, newer and newer challenges are coming beforehand them which they must be able to face and get over with their strong willing power. They must be boost to croak with self reliance towards achieving their goal. Teachers can certainly carry a polar role in exploitation such presumption and positive atmosphere. remnant To answer it may be said that the importance of the role of the teacher in usual as an agentive role of social change, promoting thought and border has neer been more self-evident than today.Teachers have all-important(a) play in preparing the young quite a little not only to face the future with potency but to build it with purpose and responsibility. This role is in all probability to become more crucial in the years to come. The need for change from fix nationalism to universal joint ism, from ethnic and cultural preconceived opinion to tolerance, intelligence and pluralism from autocracy to democracy in its diverse manifestations, and from a technologically divided world, teachers in general and the college teachers in particular who move into in the shape of the characters and minds of the new generation.